Sunday, March 8, 2015

the reality is - it's still winter

post #232
      I was NOT going to post any snow photos. Ever again. However, then I began to think about all the places in the world where there is no snow, and I have relented. It can be beautiful stuff. Maybe a few images would not be too painful to share. So, once again, in a narrative form, which I seem love, what follows are parts of my snow story. The first image is one my daughter shared, from Massachusetts, where she and her family live.
The area has received foot after foot of snow.  She took this great image of their dog. As my daughter says, he must be hoping against hope that once again he'll get to go outside to run, undeterred by the constant deep, deep snow.

    Now, what we do in Kentucky when it snows is the same thing.  We persevere -- that is, when we are not busy watching all the bird visitors we encourage.  Here are some images from various snowy moments over the past few weeks:

after his feast, surveying all who fear him

three cardinals and two goldfinches -- and part of a woodpecker

a puffed up female cardinal

These hens are birds, too, but they have a much cushier life.

Our last storm was BIG, up to a foot of snow, with drooping limbs to prove it.

This was the view that I faced the day I needed to use our driveway.  ICE! SNOW! VERY LOW TEMPERATURE!  I wasn't sure I would make it out, but I did!!!

    I am always fascinated by shapes, shadows and patterns.  So here are some:


under the mud, when it finally appears
  I would be honored to show some snow photos by my readers, so if you have one you think would work on this blog, please give me your email address in the comment form below and we'll talk.  You can sign in on the anonymous setting, but I don't get your email information unless you give it to me in the message.  Thanks!!

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