Sunday, October 11, 2015

my unexpected Appalachia

post #252
from this afternoon, at the pond, unexpectedly

      On the way home from town last week, I had another unexpected sight. If I had not had my camera with me in the car.... and if there were not a spot to pull over, complete with a white bovine, who can show up the colors on her hide.... To me, such moments are always gifts.  Here are six shots, shown in consecutive order.  Had I been at my house, which is in a hollow, I would not have even seen this, or known to go seek it out.

      The next morning, there was fog, and visitors, and, yes, the leaves are beginning to change.

     Happy change of seasons to all, and good luck with non-seasonally connected changes as well  -- and with whatever unexpected comes your way.

1 comment:

  1. Did you take the sunset photos with phone or camera? The cow is great.
