Sunday, July 9, 2017

Gardens are growing, almost everyone here has one, but not me

post #343
       Another lovely day, and great garden weather continues here, so far. In this post, I revisit some gardens I've shown before, to show changes. And I have added a couple more -- all this being close to where I live.  May your vegetables be beautiful and delicious....

three photos from my former home place, looking amazing!

herbs WELL cared for....

family support system

           I stopped by Margie and George's, who unfortunately weren't home at the time, but they have given me permission to stop and take photo whenever. Photos of their garden are in earlier blogs over the six years I've been doing this weekly.

purple martins devouring bugs and more bugs

lovely, lovely lilies

    I also stopped by the barn-in-revision project, and took just a few photos, and most were about the garden.  So the next five photos are from there, yesterday.

Progress!  Stay tuned!

Jean's garden, next to the barn

another use for those tobacco sticks now that tobacco is no longer done all that much

Jonathan taking a barn break by redoing the metal roof on the house!! And he still has his fulltime job!

the view of the house "across the street"

a late daisy, a big one, and a good photo with my iPhone.... Be bold, be beautiful!!

Note: My granddaughter has been away, but I will keep my plan to share a weekly photo of her -- when next I can.

1 comment:

  1. The daisy photo is great! A hardworking daisy it looks like.
