Monday, March 5, 2018

NO RAIN for a few days

post #376, 3/4/18
       Today I so wanted to post 10 photos of blue sky. What a happy, encouraging sight after weeks of mostly clouds and rain. Instead, since all that blueness might be boring to look at, here are some variations of my inclination. I hope everyone is by now reconnected to the grid and moving on, with thoughts of climate change firmly in their heads. Denial doesn't do much for our children's future.
      SO, first, my morning moons -- an accident to have caught the moment! I love learning about reflections and what comes out as sharp in a photo. l began with my iPhone, and then looked again with my Canon. I couldn't work fast enough to set up a tripod at that time -- my bare feet were already cold from being on the wooden deck around the second story of my building, and the morning was quickly growing brighter.
  (I've kept this dark since it was dark, so this is approximately I was actually seeing.)

Later -- simply blue sky. How beautiful. How appreciated at this time!

And the wonder of a shining sun and SHADOWS. OMGoodness!

 The weather has been challenging in Europe as well, especially in England but also in France. A close friend there found this view so unusual that she sent me a photo from her back yard. She lives in Rennes, in northwestern France.  Thank you, Mariko.

       Perhaps I need to sign off for now with three glimpses of my grandaughter during some of her time with me this past week:
visiting the neighbors and meeting their newly adopted extended family member

fixing up HER favorite chair in the living area of my gallery house
The other chair is MY favorite, but it was also redesigned and reconfigured by her....all in a morning's imagining.
       Note: My plan for the next few posts is to take photos of some of the note cards I have been selling over many years. I realized recently that I assume I have done something like that on this blog, but I have not. Yet. I look forward to sharing my titles and the stories behind some of the photos. Thanks as always for coming by to visit on this blog.....


  1. Love these especially the moon though I was thinking maybe you were going to do a special Oscars edition...

  2. Do you mean a title like Moon River? or Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade???

    1. I was thinking how the Oscars were Sunday night and the blog usually comes out on Sunday.
