Sunday, September 16, 2018

Back home and back to weekly posts!

post #397
      NOTE: Here is the post I did last weekend but never "published." I will blame that error on Brain Fog after my long trip. Part 2 will now come next week. I am prolonging my trip....

       I have seen more rain in Kentucky in the three days I have been back than I did in a week in England!  Today's storms have kept me more on task, though, I have to admit.  I even decided to go back to weekly posts after the summer of posting every other week.  I want to share some more England photos, in honor of the fifty years I have been visiting there to see my father and stepmother. (I have of course gone over there more than once a year only in the last ten years, when my stepmother began not to be able to make that long trip to the USA, "over the pond.")
       I figure I spent 20 hours on Thursday [September 6], from the time I left Chipping Campden at 7:30 a.m. until I got back home, in time to go to bed here at 10:30 p.m. -- which was 3:30 a.m. in England. It takes two two hour rides to or from airports and two flights each way, via Detroit. All went well in the end during the entire trip, and for once I didn't leave anything behind -- anywhere. YEA.

        After gathering the photos I want to share, I only have time to post half of them this week, and I will do the other half next week -- yes, I'll be returning to posting EVERY WEEK.

I was surprised while at the dining table!  but no rain!!

along High Street, in Chipping Campden

along Sheep Street, close to where my stepmother lived

flowers below the above flowers....

I had a short last day visit with wonderful Peggy and David

in Peggy's garden,

where I was totally taken with the beauty of David's hand, so I took a quick photo on the sly, before heading for High Street

via this town path, Peelers Close, for some fixins' for dinner....
               Next week I promise more photos of the short time I had in town with my camera.
       Thanks for sharing this trip with me, which, this time, had greater poignancy than ever.


  1. A return to weekly blogging is great. And Peelers Close songs like half a proverb: keep your peelers close and your ? closer...

    1. Steve -- I am thinking that CLOSE is a term used to describe an area that does not have an opening on the other side. I did walk through it, but a car couldn't fit. I went to High Street. I can ask someone next time I call England. This is from ANN, not really anonymous...
