Sunday, October 13, 2019

sharing an adventure: Point Reyes National Seashore

post #463
           Sometimes adventures just simply happen, even when you are doing something else. I had one recently. It lasted for a single afternoon, but I literally went somewhere I had never been before. Now that I am back home I'm able to post some iPhone photos from that time. I know many people who look at this blog won't be able to visit there, so it's always a  happiness to share an opportunity I have been fortunate to have. 
           Thanks to Liz for suggesting we go there --  the day we chose was the one when the water in her neighborhood was closed down for repairs. All day! I also thank her for holding on to the back of my jacket when I briefly photographed the elephant seals. No fence, not safe, high cliffs, etc. I didn't want to forget I was taking a photo and shouldn't step forward, etc.  
            Oh, did I mention the wind yet? It was constant and very, very pushy.
at the beginning of the last part of the path

the fartherest tip of the land -- an area called Chimney Rock

looking south all the way to Antarctica!

the main wind-surviving tree

looking back to the way back

private beach and hideout for elephant seals -- hard for humans to get there to disturb them!

The ride out toward Chimney Rock features some cattle farms -- nothing fancy, hard workers:

A few other photos from the Bay Area of San Francisco, California:

two views of looking out my bedroom window at Liz's redwood tree....

my great nephew and niece (!!)

from the [moving] airport bus, after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, on the way to Liz's house

 So, adventures are good but so is home.  I'm always grateful for friends and family. And fun.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Steve -- it was "a trip". And no fire or earthquake while I was there. I did love the end of the earth feel of Point Reyes.
