Sunday, May 3, 2020

It would have been a beautiful Derby weekend.

post #488
          It's still spring here because we've been experiencing a long cool spell. Many trees show a slow road getting to that deep summer green. They're not there yet. Yesterday was beautiful -- my birthday, for one thing. Calls with friends and family, but still mostly #HealthyatHome.  SO, to prolong spring even more, I want to share some of the most recent spring views as the pandemic continues its harsh path through the reality of our lives while the efforts of so many citizens to take one for the team have helped us all out. Thank you all, including the ones who aren't always sure they are making a difference by seeming to do nothing.

OUT AND ABOUT, favorite spots, in the car, by myself:

rear wheel drive sculpture
Closer to home:
coming home after a walk

One birthday, three friends (a surprise) in three different cars, tea and sympathy  -- and laughter from way more than three stories of our long history of these families helping each other out. Thanks for the surprise and the company!!

bluets again, all over everywhere

          Can the red-winged blackbirds be found? There's one in each photo -- a summer rerun at the pond:

the other birthday in the family, T. is now 9!

having to redefine "close" with family, for the time being

Two hours ago, at home:

         Most Kentuckians continue to be so grateful to Gov. Andy Beshear, for his clear commitment to helping as many of us as possible to stay alive.  He and his team put common sense science and compassion ahead of political games and, well, to be blunt, greed.  
          And let's hope that if we do have the Derby instead in September, however unlikely that is, that we have an equally beautiful day for it. It's quite the tradition in Kentucky.

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