Sunday, February 21, 2021

very icy times

     YES, there has been a lengthy and damaging ice storm in Kentucky.! I still don't have electricity at home, so this blog is being put together at the home of friends in Morehead -- night three.  I don't mind the cold or the isolation at home, but it's a worry not to be able to have a working phone or keep food frozen in the freezer.  On the other hand, I'm fortunate to have water there, and great neighbors.

    I love some of the photos I have made during this time. I wish everyone could have a warm and dry place to be, with food and water.  We all sure have to do a better job managing our resources, and preparing for the on-going changes in weather patterns!!


The thrill of actually seeing the sun, even if only briefly!

Then there's the time honored delight of imagining the sun...

early days of the storm

Thank you dear neighbors, out checking on neighbors.  I loved our snowy visit!!

Spending time in the car, under the carport, to charge up the iPhone,

and the view from the driver's seat during the charging, seeing some of the pond past the snow, and the tire tracks from the Rhino....

from inside

another time sitting in the car

that same ex-Christmas tree, now a tree for the birds, from inside the house

riding the ridge to go to town for a warmer night and internet time

The next day, on the ridge again, after going to the house to check the pipes and get some clean clothes. 

    So many thanks, Tom and Molly, for taking me in from the cold, despite how very well I thought I was managing. It's indeed much better, however, to have access to your working telephone and wi-fi, if needed, and then there are the feasts that keep appearing!! Tonight was, for me, a very thanks-giving dinner.  

    Now the hour is late, so more next week.  I am so conscious of all the many people who are not equipped to be in a good situation during this cold winter time. Please be safe while we all wait for spring.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of charging the phone in the car! Hope you are warm and well and home now.
