Sunday, March 14, 2021

The eyes have it!

        Today's post is about spring, yes, but it's also about why an eye is so essential for a good photograph. I am grateful for mine. And it's wonderful to have a daughter and now a granddaughter who also have a good eye! Of course the eyes are helped by the concurrent ability to notice stuff, see something by itself or as it relates to a bigger whole.  I love living where there is so much to reward a good looking around. 

         First, just a few images via my eye, with their titles. There's never only one way to frame it, but it's fun to work with the balance from the start.  (I'm still pulled by real views, not ones I have set up, or altered.  It may be a luxury -- or old fashioned -- to stick with that deliniation, but that's what floats my particular boat.)

on the way

black and white in color

blue heron at Grayson Lake

tail detail

        NOW, some spring photos by my daughter, Rebecca Wright, in 2019. I'm not adding titles, because, obviously, they are not my images, but I might give a name or two because spring here was a forever time ago.


(garlic drying, from the garden)


(house and BARN)

(newly picked strawberries)



     One important purpose for today's post, actually, was to feature a photo by my daughter's daughter. I enjoy both her and her photo eye so much. You Go Girl!  Here is her photo of a crocus flower, from yesterday:

        I love her light, I love spring, I love that today's post is up before 7:15 p.m.!! Sometimes it happens. I'm always grateful for such unexpected moments.

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