Sunday, January 18, 2015

waterfalls, icicles, and a photographer friend

post #225
     At the end of last week's post, I said I was off to the waterfalls, before they began to melt.  I did go there that day, but it wasn't the right waterfall!  So, Friday morning, before yesterday's sun, a friend and I set out to check out what is called the first waterfall.  I have shown several photos of this area over the years, including the elegant black and whites by John Flavell. But this was my first time to make photos of it with my new camera, and I am devoted to color, so today I'm sharing some of my tries.  We had sun here yesterday and rain here this morning, so I am glad I hadn't needed to postpone the outing.  

the creek, last Sunday, and the waterfall at the end, where it looks as if the ice stops

the bottom, melting and changing shapes before our eyes and lenses

Debbie is watching the ice in motion. I happen to like the way her hair continues the line of the falls. Since this time was also a "lesson", we had spent some time talking about what interested each one of us the most, and what we wanted to show in a photo. I feel a photo is vastly improved if the photographer actually cares about what is in the image. By cultivating an awareness of our personal vision, we bring something vital to what we are looking at and noticing.

These icicles hang from the ledge, to the left of where Debbie was sitting. The freedom of the branch fascinated me.
even farther to the left on the overhang -- good time for color in the photo

The creek continues to a second waterfall. This is looking back toward #1.
This view shows the creek going over the second waterfall, which, actually, has several sections, one after another.  We decided not to risk our lives just then to get what might have been the most dramatic photo possible. Sorry!
This is from the side of the second waterfall, and that is an overhang just in front of me!
     For those of you who have made it so far, here is a video (I hope) that might be of interest, since you can hear the water... I would wish for clear water for all the world.  (That phrasing echoes the title of George Ella Lyon's recent picture book called All the Water in the World.  Look for it in your library or indie bookstore. It is beautifully illustrated by Katherine Tillotson.)


  1. I may have already posted this but just in always, I thoroughly loved the blog. #2 and #10 are my favorites. In #2 I love how i can almost hear the near silence of the water/ice and how my eye is drawn to the center of the photo, to the parting in the ice. I wonder if water is still moving there.

  2. Awesome! And thanks, Ann, for the video with sound!

  3. Last three blogs exceptional.
    Your nourish my parched frozen spirits mid winter
    video with sounds of melting ice a quiet reminder that
    if winter comes, can spring be far behind?
