Sunday, January 25, 2015

waterfalls, part 2, and all about frozen

post #226
      Last week's post explained our treck to see waterfall #1, the one frozen from its top ledge to the bottom pool.  I'm starting with some photos that Debbie Abell took then, since she "saw" things in a different way than I did.  This fascinates me.  Given half a chance, we each have a personal vision of what is around us.  Art gives us a way to share those unique points of view.
      First, a photo of Debbie at work:

frozen bubbles, by Debbie Abell

frozen bubbles 2, by Debbie Abell
This is very similar to one I posted last week, except the water behind is more visible, and, to me, the whole thing looks more fluid and flowing.
frozen reflection, by Debbie Abell

frozen bubbles, by Debbie Abell  (I think these were in the creek, but I am not sure.)
 Here is the photo I lost and have now found. I love this detail. Debbie calls it "frozen globules."

     The second section of today's post has a few images from that same area but a week later. It says something about the importance -- when working outside -- not to assume that your "subject" will ever look the same tomorrow or next week.  Stuff melts!  Or it dries up!  A tree falls over!  Fire!  New buds, blossoms and bugs!  Clouds change the light!  Whatever!
     Get out there NOW.  Go vision yourself.
perhaps unrecognizable -- the creek and waterfall #1 after a week's meltdown...

a shell of its former frozen self

winter greens

checking for ice at waterfall #3, the "big waterfall"

      My last section today is a link to some recent photos by John Flavell, who yesterday won First Place in the General News Photo Story/Essay catagory at the Kentucky News Photographers Association convention. Click on "SLIDE SHOW" for captions, and admire both the photos and the hard work of getting the photos over a period of time.  (One of the images is in my home county!  I could have been there that day but didn't make it.)  Way to go, John!  Congratulations!

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