Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Norwegian adventure, part 2 (of three or four)

      The ship and me and my friend Patty and 300 other travelers were on the way at 9 p.m. and soon the obvious becomes, well, obvious. We are going to be seeing a lot of water in the next 12 days, a lot of rocks, some big enough to be islands, and yet there are signs of life everywhere.  We are headed to the most northern piece of land in all of Europe, and, since this is mid May, it will be light outside most of the time. (Luckily staterooms have some serious shades to create darkness while we sleep.) 

    The routine of ship life is pretty basic -- there is no pool, no band or dancing, no library, etc.  But there are wonderful meals, 3 a day, and many stops along the way. Fresh fish is therefore really fresh!  All the food is splendid, and very Norwegian.  (Smoked salmon every day, for one thing, if you want it!!)

    So on to the photos I made - with my cell phone because it is good with light, and there were so many wonderful light moments.  Enjoy!

An excursion stop -- colors and light - Nidaros Cathedral, started in 1070 and located in Trondheim, which was the capital of Norway,  A national shrine!

This cathedral, it turns out, was near where my Norwegian friend grew up! 

a wake.....

our ship inching in to the pier, one of several stops that day

the view from one of our two windows... and we appreciated those windows immensely, day and night. 

in the rain, which we didn't have much of -- though we had some snow flurries!  I love the colors on the houses, everywhere.

getting closer to the north! We were still on an "excursion", and I happened to be sitting in the front seat of our bus... Most of the road is invisible!

on the bus with less mist -- not a heavily traveled road...  We will get back on our ship at its next stop.

   My friend Patty, in a borrowed rescue suit.

our bird watching excursion continues by boat --- Patty is somewhere inside that amazing rescue outfit. SEE THE THOUSAND BIRDS IN ROWS ON THE ROCK.  Our boat was basic, the winds were real, and I'm glad to have been there!!

This blog has done a new trick for me that I am not happy with, so I give up for now. Will resume soon in the next post!!