Sunday, August 18, 2013

a special quilt

post #151
      I have a quilt that continues to amaze me no matter how many times I examine it.  There are so many ways to see how its pieces fit together and how each piece works within the whole.  The image above is the back of the quilt.
      The woman who made it did it with such care  -- so many corners to get perfectly aligned!  The quilt is meant to be a wall hanging, but sometimes I like to hang it in front of a window to experience still another fascinating dimension of it.
     When our 3 1/2 year old granddaughter spent a week with us last summer, she asked to have it on the bed with her.  This was after she had looked at it and looked at it, in all kinds of light.  At one point she told me that the quilt was "holding up the ball [in the middle.]"  Before her visit, I had thought she might find the combination of light and design engrossing, so of course I was delighted that indeed she did.

      The artist is Debbie Stephens, who lives in my county.  Many of her quilts tell a story or show a scene.  Of course her traditional Appalachian quilts are often identified by the featured shape of the squaresDebbie has made many, many quilts, but I believe this is the only one that is purely geometric.  Thank you so much for your hard work, Debbie, and for your amazing eye.

    Here is my granddaughter in a rare bashful moment, with her bunny and her bear:

      Then here are some other photos of the quilt.  I don't feel I have managed to show the mystery of it very well, but it has been worth it to me to try.  

the front, resting on the bed

hanging in front of the window, but not well photographed... or at the least the light isn't what I would want

"the ball," in the center

the loop for the rod needed to hang the quilt

 If I ever get that elusive early dawn light shot, I will add it here.  Some day.  Thanks.

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