Sunday, March 15, 2020

serious times

post #481
           Wonderful "gathering" of our writers group this afternoon, using Face Time on our iPhones. 
          I'm grateful of course for this important part of my life -- monthly meetings, more or less, and twenty some years, more or less, all kinds of writing and wisdom.  So it's nice that today's new way of gathering shows we can still amaze ourselves.
          My Quaker Meeting met today with Zoom, but I didn't get to "go." I can handle only so much new Tech at a time.
          Of course the reason for our trying this out was because of the emergency the world is currently experiencing. I am sorry for all the suffering this new coronavirus is causing. Then I read about people who aren't taking this seriously, and I am stunned. Their denials make it that much harder to slow down the pandemic. Their selfish ignorance can be dangerous. Doesn't the pro-life stance so many people proclaim include our neighbors and friends? To show love for medically trained people, who will be there to help, stay away from groups, wash your hands a lot, and be part of this worldwide effort.  Believe that we have a couple of months ahead of life turned upside down. We all need to do the hard work of staying out of the way and supporting each other as we move through and past this enormous challenge..

Here are some more of my birds -- with my imagined words in their brains.
Alert, everyone, danger ahead!

How do I know which way to go, what needs doing the most?!!!

Stay calm, everybody, take one berry at a time.

I want IN, I want to help, I want to know what's going on!

Is this what they mean by "social distancing"????

 I'm back again to be a lookout for the next grouping coming in for care.
I don't care what happens to any other bird, I just want to do life my way. So there!
Just trying to get an overview of the big picture of the chaos all around.

We robins know how to hang together and help each other out.

We don't always understand what's required of us, but can't we learn to rise to the occasion?

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