Sunday, August 2, 2020

sweep up, summer cousin camp time, 2020

post #501
        This is another attempt to post on my blog before its good ol' ways are hidden away.  Here are some more of the photo mix from the 10 days of "cousin camp."  It was wonderful to be all together, even while not leaving the property for days and days. We will hope the travelers manage to stay healthy during their trip back to Colorado.  Some hoax! This virus thing continues to be so abundantly scary that I wonder if those who think otherwise have had their brains fried during an earlier lifetime, and they are simply no longer able to process info adequately!


Other photos retrieved and now shown for the first time:

These are beautiful walnuts overhead on the deck but not yet falling on our heads!! Good timing, team!  We ate all our meals outside, distanced.

herding hens, and a rooster

  [note: the vertical photos I so want to include right in this spot continue to elude me!! So far I have neither thrown my laptop on the floor nor screamed and yelled. Close, but not. Yet.]

I made a brief visit to the outside world via TV, to see the honoring of Rep. John Lewis, lying in state in the US Capital. I found this historical and evocative event very moving, and a hopeful sign of the power of human beings to be their better selves.


photo made with my camera by their daughter/my granddaughter, AGE 9!!!
               I think this happy photo is a good place to wind this puppy up, with promises that, if I can, I will take us to a completely new and altogether other place next week. I don't take well to not figuring something out, but for now I've had Enough of Being Baffled!

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