Sunday, November 10, 2013

MORE amazing autumn moments nearby

post #163
      Shamelessly showing off, that's what I feel I am doing by sharing so many photos made during those two days near Halloween.  I am so glad I was not away from home when the best of fall happened.
      Please note: I end up reducing my photos in size and pixel count in order to put them on the blog, and I apologize for the resulting decrease in quality.  I know there must be a better way to do all this -- and I am open to helpful suggestions in this regard -- but in the meantime, I do what I can figure out, which is not everything and never enough!!

      The first photos look north near our mailbox on the road, which runs along a ridge.  Later I drive over to the barn area in these photos and shoot back toward this spot where I made this photo.

  In order to get to the barn area in this photo, I drove "over the cliffs" on a road that seems narrower than ever since it was paved several years ago.  Beautiful as the drive was, I am grateful I don't drive that way every day.  

looking through the tops of trees!

next heading down, with nowhere to pass

I made it safely this far, took these four photos and then turned around!

This barn can be seen along the top of the first photo from the road....

and the barn in the top middle is up on the main road, where I started.

      We admire the homestead our friends have in between the two sides of this cliff area.  I am including this photo for the several chicken devotees I know who follow this blog!  It looks like chicken paradise to me, with their own caravan that can be moved from place to place on the precious flat land in front of D. and E.'s home.  

then going back up the cliff side, still hoping not to meet another vehicle
    At last, back home again, safe and amazed:

back on our driveway, just before the rain started

         By today, most of the leaves here have fallen.  For these last ten days, we have had an almost constant wind.  Deer season began yesterday, and a bit of snow is mentioned for this coming week!  I had a lot of hits for last week's post, and I hope today's is of interest as well.  For me, it is a happiness to be able to share these moments of beauty and wonder.

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