Sunday, May 4, 2014

Route 32, current curves and Waggoners Corner

post #188
      Today it is back to the beginning of where Route 32 leaves Elliottville behind, going east, in Rowan County.  I made these photos just a few days ago, so this post will show the state of spring as well as the state of the road.  The greens are natural -- I hardly use Photoshop, so what I see you see.  The redbuds and the dogwoods are playing catch-up at a rapid pace after our long winter.  
       There's one thing I think about while taking these photos -- I wonder what would happen in ideal world if the citizens of Elliott County could have been allotted the one hundred million dollars the road renovation is expected to cost with the requirement they decide how best they would want it spent.  Better educational opportunities?  More jobs?  And better paid school personnel?  Guarranteed college education funds?  Eliminate  substandard housing?  Some road improvements in specific places?  These are just a hint of what could be up for discussion.  Maybe we could even include some way to honor the beauty of the place by keeping the land and the water healthy and vibrant!

I came around the curve shown here, and parked my car.

I will continue along Route 32 and the curve shown here.

Behind me is a calf outside and its mom inside the fence.  They were communicating about the situation!

I am now around that last curve and parked in the entrance to this driveway. I am going to try to place two photos next to each other so that the road above the pond can show it's a continuation of the driveway.


       Now I am close to what's called Waggoners Corner, after a store that used to be there in the thirties.  I walked across the road from the driveway and then looked down toward the junction:

The following photo shows where I had stashed the car for all the above nine photos:

   This next photo shows the same place but from where I next parked.  The photo shows the driveway where I parked first, and the driveway crossing the green field.  And also shown is the gray shed and the flat bed trailer, if you look closely:

Across the road from the stop sign:

       Behind where I parked I saw a sign of daily and very ordinary life - putting out the trash for the weekly pick-up:

      My over-active curiosity gene is very happy with this project.  I feel continual amazement at how much I am now seeing and enjoying seeing for the first time despite having ridden along this section of Route 32 many, many times over the years.  I hope viewers of this blog from other places can now also enjoy Route 32!


  1. Such thoughtful questions with these beautiful photos! Thank you, Ann, for once again capturing and reflecting on what matters.

  2. Hi Ann, Wonderful shots of 32, are you aware that we are currently working on a project to gather stories along 32? I wonder if you should get in touch with Gwenda down at the extension office and see if there can be some collaboration going on between what we are doing and what you are doing....
