Sunday, October 21, 2018

five moments over the past three weeks

post #402
       Pieces of a life from the past three weeks, five bits in all, three photos each.  Next week, more humor and the joys of the unexpected. After that, everyone, please vote, to support our joined democracy since it's too essential to be taken for granted for a single minute.

       First, the annual Storytelling Festival took place near Morehead the last weekend in September, on Cave Run Lake.  Twenty years of amazing story tellers.  This year we had good weather, and the lake is always beautiful no matter what the weather. What's also fun is that many of the families who attend are now bringing grand children whose parents were once kids at this same festival.

          Then there is the prep for the annual Hallowe'en party at the end of our road -- I loved these spiders, and the "statuary" located along the route.  I couldn't go to the actual party (see next bit) but maybe next year. (The party happens a couple of weeks early.)

        A week ago Saturday night, on a chilly eve with some showers, I went back to Cave Run Lake, this time for an outdoor wedding, Emily and Jenna's.  Lots of good food (a soup bar, perfect for the temperature), tears, and love.

       I also was able to go with T. to her weekly horse riding lesson, and it was so interesting. The three of them that were there that night helped get the horses ready, and then it was time to go into the square ring to do their paces.  The horse's name is Blue.

        To end, one last photo, my moment in the political event of the day, a visit by Joe Biden to share the stage with Amy McGrath, in Kentucky's nearby 6th District. I was so glad I went. Lots of good energy for new approaches to governing that currently aren't working all that great. Amy's trying no PACs and minimal attack ads. So far she's holding her own.
       It's fun to see some of what goes on around here as we wait for November 6.  We are even finally getting some fall color in our leaves. Believe in the power of change.

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