Sunday, May 2, 2021

revisiting late April 2016, for a really different look

        I have been curious how much this spring -- after the prolonged ice storm -- is different than other springs.  I decided I had a fair variety of photos from 2016 to draw from, plus the weather that year made everything seem so lush at this same date compared to this year.  Mine is in no   way a scientific evalutation. It is just what I saw then and what I see now.

        So, some photos from then, either around the house where I lived that year, or from a long walk in Laurel Gorge, in my county, where the lady slippers were plentiful that year.  (I have not yet been there this year to see the probable debris from the ice storm. I might have to go this week! maybe tomorrow as part of my trip to get my drivers license renewed and to see the greenhouse the high school students have established this year, with their teacher, MaKayla Rose.)

        Here goes! These are all from this time of the year, but 5 years ago.



        I have been having a lovely birthday today, so this post may have been posted later than usual. I'm so grateful for the beauty around me, and for those of you who share these posts with me. Thanks!   Ann