Sunday, October 18, 2020

The beauty of the season colors the fear of the future

post #515 

       In spite of the many possible difficult outcomes of the November 3 election, it's hard not to be guardedly hopeful when something as beautiful as fall foliage surrounds me. It also helps that so many fellow citizens have been flocking to vote, all across the country, despite so many deliberate efforts to thwart such an outpouring. I send DEEP THANKS to each and every one of you. I know as well there are storm related damages that don't make voting any easier. And for sure the fact that our current president can not guarantee he will accept not winning -- which, to begin with, would be so against the constitution -- is shocking and hurtful. The only possible fraud will come from Ego Man, and those willing to tear the fabric of our nation.

        So, here's to keeping our cool and getting out to vote. The ballot I sent for arrived, I filled it out, and my daughter and son-in-law took it with them when they went to vote in the county seat this week. They put it in the drop off box there.  Thanks go to our local county officials who are making this all work out and well.

        Time now to go on to some photos from the last week or two.  Please ENJOY!

on still another walk along the road

I was able to have a short visit with Sandy, outside, mostly sitting on that porch except when checking out all the goats.

These goats, shown here on the hillside below their home, were having a great time.



     Before then, I had been nearby to spend some time -- again outside and distanced - with my granddaughter.  I've been reading aloud The Secret Garden, about once a week.  Right now it's not a good idea to sit out on their deck -- there's a bumper crop of black walnuts which hurt when they fall on a person's head!              

So we went to their pond, which has a dam that's flat and good for chairs. The story has a skipping rope in it, and T. found hers and brought it along.


Needless to say, I was downright amazed to get this photo.  Its companion photo is vertical in shape, which seems to be hard for this revised blogger program to accept. I will try to catch it by surprise in a day or two....and add it then.

returning to the house

three more images, here and nearby:

This is a smaller pond, at my house, in autumn mode.

along the ridge, returning from town, always something lovely to see

a moment caught, from my front door